Saturday, April 30, 2011

Case Family

I met up with Yvette Case and her family today at the Rock Quarry Garden.  Yvette works at Grove Elementary as the media specialist/librarian.  Her husband, Joe, and she have a son named Ray and a
 baby girl named Zennie. 

 We started the morning off in everyone's Easter outfits. 

Ray brought along his football.  He enjoyed being able to play during the photos taken. 

You can tell he loves his sister. 

Cute little bloomers. 

Zennie did not want to wear her hat. I caught a few shots with her taking it off though!

Look at those bright blue eyes. 

Ray changed into his superman outfit.  He definitely took on the role!

He loved the idea I had of letting him sit in the tree.

Ray is an active little boy and lots of fun!

Joe and Ray decided to throw the football around while Zennie had a snack. 

Check out this stance...he is going to be a pro. 

This is one of my favorite baskets that I use often during shoots.  Look at all the clover! 

Mommy love!

Ray also brought along his captain Jack costume! He is a creative child.  The rocks became his "boat"

Even this pirate loves his mommy

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Pettigrew Family

I met up with Tami and her family at Falls Park, located in downtown Greenville
 where spring was everywhere.

         I am thankful for ducks in the river as this helped Olivia warm up to the whole photo shoot idea.

Tami and I worked together at Grove before her husband was relocated to Fort Mill.  I can remember her pregnancy, baby shower, and even bringing sweet baby Olivia to Grove Elementary!  Now her little girl is about to turn 2!
Pouting faces are by far some of the cutest faces in the world.  Olivia loves her shoes!  She was not fond of the idea of taking her shoes off.  However, she also does not like to touch the grass still wet from the morning dew.  This was sorta mean but it kept her in the rocking chair :) 

Then she realized how much fun the rocking chair was!

This is the response I got when I asked, "How old are you?" 

One thing I know about children is that they love to play.  This is a must during photo shoots!  Here I was tickling her feet and then pulling back to quickly get the shot of her smiling. 

With shoes back on, she was ready to explore, in a tutu of course!

Olivia was more interested in picking flowers than standing by them, but I got a few shots. How cute is her little nose scrunched up!

I love this little bridge tucked away in Falls Park. Here is Tami and her husband 

Olivia decided she wanted to play with sticks and not be in the picture.  Rule #2 of working with children (Rule #1 is of course be ready to play), work with what they give you.  So i gave her a break and got a shot of her sweet parents. 

Rule #3:  Smart Mommies bring snacks to bribe children for pictures.  Yes, as the morning wore on, this became a necessity.  Thank you teddy grahams!

Tickle time!

Olivia got her blonde hair from her father but she has her mom's great smile and eyes!

I'm pretty sure she is pointing at the ducks here :) 

Olivia LOVED the swing.  We should have done this first!  Oh well, I will remember this for next time.

 The next three are of Olivia on the swing by herself.  These were some of the last pictures taken that morning.  Her smile is priceless in these!

 Lastly, a candid shot.  I am so glad I did not turn off my camera yet.  As we were leaving the park, Olivia took out her hair bow.  Shortly thereafter she reached down to count and smell these flowers.  I love her hair in her face and how careful she is being with the delicate flowers.  Her soft pink skirt is perfect for this shot as well!  She is a precious little toddler.  It was wonderful to see Tami again and spend time with her family on Easter weekend!