Phill and I have dear friends who are blessed with two sweet little girls. These two are absolutely precious and they are exactly 364 days apart! To begin our cloudy afternoon session, I set up a tea party. I found the holly hobby dolls in my mom's attic along with the tea set that was mine as a child. Andrea, their mom, had these fabulous blue suitcases in her living room as decor. The worked nicely with the ones I brought along.
Maggie and Emma are wonderful at make believe play.
I spotted this chair at the Buncombe Antique Mall and fell in love with it. It is for sale along with its pair by the way :)
Ive become a fan of the "serious look" kids often give me. If I have to choose between this look and a fake smile Ill chose this one any day! The girls loved this child size guitar I used from the antique mall as well.
These are my favorites from the day! This mirror is called a Gentleman's Mirror as it was used for a man while he shaved. For me, it made a great child size full length mirror! I brought along my sterling silver mirror, brush and comb; keepsakes from my own childhood. I set this up and then let Emma play. These turned out just beautiful.
Then Maggie wanted a turn. I love hers in black and white. It has a classic feel to them.
Can you believe this small field of grass was right beside their house! This made it super easy for clothing changes and prop set up. Another treasure of a find in the McKee's home was this vintage child size sofa that was Andrea's when she was a child. It has since been recovered. The look Emma gave me in this shot below is adorable and priceless.
One of my favorite props to use with children is a wooden box turned upside down. It always adds a vintage, rugged look to the portrait. Check out her brown eyes. Gorgeous.
To finish the afternoon, an array of hats and a yellow chair :)